The Artwork
Fine Art Photography
HDR Photography
Fine Art Painting
Proprioceptive Oil Paintings
Merriam Webster defines the term Proprioceptive as: of, relating to, or being stimuli arising within the organism. At the time I stumbled across the word, it made sense as most of my work at the time was based on internal stimuli from within myself. Jackson Pollack once stated that “The modern artist is working and expressing an inner world…expressing the energy, the motion, and other inner form… the modern artist is working with space and time, and expressing his feelings rather than illustrating.” These pieces certainly met the criteria for that definition. Conceived as a tribute to my paternal grandfather. An artist and musician in his own right, in four short years he had imparted on me a love of art & music that has stayed with me to this day.
Fine Art Painting
Fine Art Painting
Free Form Paintings
A little bit of everything these pieces reflect my love of the Abstract Expressionist movement of the fifties… a blend of Arshille Gorky, Jackson Pollack, Willem DeKooning, Joan Miro, Fernand Léger, Mark Rothko, Franz Kline, Lee Krassner and Clyfford Still, with a large does of myself thrown in for good measure. There is no particular rhyme or reason associated to these paintings, they are rather as the mood struck me…
Fine Art Painting
Current work
Fine Art Painting
Still Life and Landscapes
Where it all began was landscape painting on weekends somewhere in the country. I’ve always had a love of impressionist and post impressionist painting styles used by the likes of Monet, Pissaro, Mary Cassatt, Berthe Morisot, Cezanne, Van Gogh, Gauguin, and began abstracting the landscape more as I driften into non objective painting… These are some of those early works.